Walking Backwards

Thrilling experiences from a rather uneventful life.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Because I don't have much time for in depth content right now, although I sorely want to write, here is this weekend's Baker's Dozen. I'm going to write more tonight after the munchkin is out, but for now I have to keep Mr. No-Nap-Man happy and keep this short.

1. Another meeting of Fight Club. I made super-lavender shave soap for one of Joe's co-workers and tea tree oil soap for my brother-in-law. Next time I am going to make some citrus shave soap for myself.

2. While at fight club we debated the best form to buy curry. It was determined that the green curry paste rocks the world, but I still have a soft spot for the fresh vindaloo paste (not exactly curry, I suppose). Powdered curry was designated a 'to be used in slow cooker recipes only'.

3. I went to the grocery store FOUR TIMES this weekend.

4. My mother called me and told me she has booked me and Nicholas a flight to go with her to Tennessee. Hmmmm, I guess I am going to Tennessee.

5. Joe's allergies are bad and when that happens Joe loses his voice. As cruel as it is, it is hilarious to watch him try to talk on the phone. I kept telling him he had to call people.

6. I am about halfway done with my first scarf of the year. After that, I am going to make my first ever stripey one. This year we are really going to stick to the idea of making all of our Christmas gifts.

7. Joe and I are SO broke I pulled out my old copy of The Tightwad Gazette (which is awesome) and started reading. We need to get back to our thrifty lifestyle again. We kind of gave it up after we had saved up enough to buy the house.

8. Joe, Nicholas, and I went to the Austin Kite Festival this weekend with some friends. It was a kite flying extravaganza :)!

9. Nicholas got his face painted for the first time. It was a gecko. For some reason there was glitter involved.

10. Nicholas also discovered the joys of cotton candy by snatching my bag from me on the shuttle bus back to our car. I thought I was safe because he had always been freaked out by the texture before. It is all downhill from here.

11. Spring is in the air and we have started to set up our garden. This year we are hoping to add an herb patch in the corner of the yard, two oak trees in the back, and new bedding plants in the front beds.

12. I still have not cleared out our guest room, but I did get some accomplished this weekend. Now all of my Christmas stuff is in the attic. The Chanukah stuff is still on the floor.


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