Walking Backwards

Thrilling experiences from a rather uneventful life.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Nicholas seems to have gotten hit with the allergy bug again this week. We keep giving him his allergy medication, but it doesn't seem to be able to keep up these last few days. He is waking up in the middle of the night sneezing and coughing, so I am waking up in the middle of the night to take care of him. Because of that, neither of us is in too great of a mood. Next year, I think we are going to try the homeopathic allergy treatment for this area. There has to be something out there that will actually work. I kept Nicholas home from school this morning because I didn't want them to have to deal with it. He was also running a low-grade fever this morning, but I think it was because of the sleep-deprivation and all of the coughing. My poor tired guy spent most of the day laying around in weird positions.

In addition to laying around, we had our first meeting with Nicholas' therapist. Joe had to go with us because the doctor wanted to speak with me alone first to establish goals and define the problems we're having. I have never met a calmer person in my life. The entire time we were talking I was very disconcerted with the breathy, new age inflection he had. He would ask me a question and I would go on and on and on because I was so terrified to leave a break in the conversation. Then he wanted to meet with Nicholas. Amazingly, my perfect-example-of-separation-anxiety willingly went with the doctor, alone, into the treatment room. I have to say they have some cool stuff in that treatment room. They spent about thirty minutes together and the doctor came out and told us they had had a good session and that he advises us to go in once a week until further notice. We are also not to expect results right away, of course. As it turns out, he is not going to discuss every session with us and instead we will be meeting again in a couple of months to discuss progress and areas that he thinks we need to focus on. But damn, I wanna know now!! For now, it looks like I am going to be driving all the way across town once a week to sit in the lobby and hope that my son is getting something out of this.

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