Walking Backwards

Thrilling experiences from a rather uneventful life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I know I didn't write yesterday and I know I didn't write the day before yesterday, either. I know I'm supposed to be writing everyday, but it is really difficult sometimes. Sunday wasn't too bad really and I was planning on an entry, but then I got called in to be "helping parent" again on Monday (at this point, being "helping parent" is the worst torture that anyone could ever inflict upon me). So instead of relaxing and cleaning my house and watching Grey's Anatomy, I had to go to the grocery store to buy snack and do everything that I planned on doing Monday morning to get ready for the dreaded parent-teacher conference. Then Monday, which was horrible as expected. Even after my shift as helping parent. Joe took the car because he was going to drive back for the meeting with the teacher so I was completely unable to flee in terror. Then the meeting where we learned that Nicholas isn't having such an easy time adjusting (even though we can drop him off with no tears now) and there are other problems. The teacher wants to meet again at the end of January to talk about it further. Then the grocery store to buy food for the book club potluck I had forgotten about until an hour before I was supposed to be there . . . with food . . . and a gift. Nicholas had to be carried out screaming by Joe because we wouldn't let him grab handfuls of gummy worms out of the bulk bins and the handle to the rotisserie chicken broke while I was carrying it and a bottle of wine and a can of soup and another bottle of Nyquil. The chicken fell to the ground . . . and exploded all over my pants and shoes and I just left it there and checked out. Then book club, which was uncomfortable. Then I stayed late and was told by the other women who stayed behind that Nicholas' behavior problems sounded like Asperger's, which is what one of the women's son has. I came home and Joe was freaked because I was an hour and a half late. I can't even go over today, but all I have to say is when you leave your kid with someone - call them if you're going to be late!! Those last 45 minutes, I must have checked the clock a hundred times, really.

Sounds like a hell of a few days. I hope things look up for you soon. Are you going to take nico to get checked to see if he has Aspergers?
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