Walking Backwards

Thrilling experiences from a rather uneventful life.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Yesterday was Fight Club. While some of Nicholas' playgroups may be closer to the movie Fight Club, I was actually referring to my soapmaking efforts. My friend Annie, Geoff, and I are all crafty-types and are making soap this year to give as x-mas gifts. It's fun, we spend most of our time eating and talking, but some work does get done. I think we will have made a total of 150 bars of soap by the time this batch is done curing. I made bergamot soap this time around, Annie did lemon/peppermint, and Geoff made a batch of lemon-eucalyptus soap. I'm going to miss the cutting and curing again because I'll be out of town, but I'll find a way to survive I think. In November, we're probably going to have to do a couple of crafty-days a month because we have a lot of other things we want to try out. I'm sure Joe will be thrilled.

My dad also came to visit yesterday. It's the last time I'll see him before we leave and then I'll be gone for five weeks. I'm gonna miss the big guy. I did feel kind of bad shortly into our visit because he noted how much I was complaining about everything. Really, I went on for about twenty minutes about how stressed I am and all the work and money that I'm putting into this trip. I had to explain that I was just using him as a sounding board for all my frustrations and that, yes, I am glad to be going. I fall into that bad habit a lot. I vent. And the people I'm venting to don't get to hear the upside. They must think I'm miserable . . . really, I have it pretty good. It is definately something that needs to be worked on.

I'm off - Joe and I are going to see The Brothers Grimm this afternoon and I have to pack Nico's bag and snack, so he'll be able to survive for a few hours away from us. I'll post the gripping movie review later.

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