Walking Backwards

Thrilling experiences from a rather uneventful life.

Monday, April 12, 2004

We are now, finally, back from vacation. Who knew that I would miss my house this much? It isn't as if our vacation was terribly stressful, or even disagreeable really. I just love not feeling out of place. I missed my own bed and my cat and all of the simple comforts of my home. Knowing where the spare toilet paper is has distinct advantages. Now for a quick recap of the activities of late:

Day 1 (April 3rd):
Having packed the night before, loading the car was quite easy. We started toward San Antonio only fifteen minutes late and only missing a few non-essentials. The portable DVD player kept the little one occupied and the ride was short. We arrived in SA right on time for Miss Fiona's first birthday party. She looked quite darling in a very fashionable red (and later yellow) ensemble. Nicholas elected that Fiona's toys were much more exciting than his and proceeded to spend most of the afternoon ignoring everyone except the two four-year-old boys who were tearing through the house. We ate barbecue and cake and had a good time catching up with everyone. Then we were off to Houston.

Day 2 (April 4th):
Much of the day was spent being quite unmotivated. We finally left the house at four thirty to meet with some of Joe's friends at Chuck E' Cheese pizza. Nicholas became enthralled with skeeball. He loved running up the ramp and dumping balls into the slot. I know that he was cheating, but I don't think it matters as he was mostly dumping them in the gutter and his most common score was zero. We then went to visit Joe's dad in the hospital who looked better than expected, but still was worn from ten days in a hospital bed. He was going to be released in two days and was getting anxious. That night we left for Joe's mom's house.

Day 3 (April 5th):
Joe's mother's house was very relaxing. All that we accomplished all day was a long trip to the grocery store and quite a bit of wandering around on the property.

Day 4 (April 6th):
We got to go fishing for catfish at the pond on the property. I have only been fishing once before in my life and am apparently quite unskilled. I only caught one fish that had to be thrown back and the second fish that bit broke my line. Everyone else seem to do much better. My day was not without adventure, though. Nicholas decided he wanted to sit down in the pond and got stuck in the mud. As he leaned over, he fell in the water. All you could see was the top of his head. I panicked and jumped in after him, pulling him out. He started crying the second he left the water, but was perfectly fine. After a few minutes he let me put him down and played with his own fishing pole. It didn't have a hook or much line on it, but it did have a floater, which he threw in the water and Joe fished back in.

Day 5 (April 7th):
The first time Joe and Nicholas rode a horse. Nicholas was not thrilled, but Joe seemed to like it quite a bit. Nicholas got on the horse with Joe and made a big circle around the tree before he decided that he had had enough and wanted down. I got to ride for a few minutes before I had to put the baby down for his nap. Later that evening we had fried catfish that everyone had caught and a belated birthday cake for Joe.

Day 5 (April 8th):
We left Joe's mom's house in the afternoon and drove to Lake Charles to visit Joe's grandparents. Actually, it was more like we drove Nicholas there for his grandparents to dote over. They made Joe's favorite, fried shrimp and played with the baby. They gave us ten dollars with the stipulation that we use it solely to buy Nicholas Easter candy. I think that it will buy Nicholas Easter candy for the next three years. They also sent us home with a grocery bag full of hot house tomatoes that they grow. We left there at about seven to return to Houston. When we arrived in Houston we were excited to learn that Joe's father had gotten out of the hospital and was at home on a respirator. Nicholas was a lot more friendly towards him out of the confines of a sterile hospital room.

Day 6 (April 9th):
The day IKEA struck. Joe and I spent the day shopping at Ikea and picked up quite a few things, but we didn't get the couch I wanted. We did get two new toy boxes for Nicholas' playroom and blankets for the twin bed we are getting him later. They didn't have some of the stuff I wanted to look at from their catalogue, but I suppose it is for the best, financially at least. We still have that gaping hole in our front room where something is conspicuously missing, but we aren't moving anytime soon. We'll have the chance to get something later.

Day 7 (April 10th):
I woke up early and let Joe sleep in. Polly and Nicholas' baby cousin, Tyler, wanted to go up to the nearest grocery store where Joe's sister works and where they were having a visit from the Easter bunny. Unfortunately, we arrived a little late and there was no bunny to be found. After getting home and finding Joe awake, we headed for the nearest mall to search for the elusive Easter bunny. Sadly, he wasn't to be found there either. We did find some of Nicholas' school clothes for next year on sale. I got him a jean jacket, some rain boots, and some high-traction socks. We returned home to start the prep work for Easter dinner, our desire to have a picture of Nicholas screaming at the Easter bunny unsatiated.

Day 8 (April 11th):
Easter. The day you eat candy for breakfast. Nicholas really liked his Easter basket. He got a set of glow-in-the-dark pajamas, a book 'My Ducky', an egg shaker, a whale bath toy the shoots out water, and some animal crackers. His Grandma Polly got him a ball, some sand toys, a kite, some bubbles, and lots of candy. His grandmother Charla got him a plush duck puppet that quacks out Old McDonald and some really neat bath toys. He got a little much. We ate Easter dinner and then a dessert of strawberry shortcake a little bit later. Joe and I decided to get a jump on things and left that night. Amazingly enough we finished unpacking before collapsing on the bed.

So here we are, returned to life at home. I am eagerly looking forward to a bath and a cup of tea and the hectic schedule to return.

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