Walking Backwards

Thrilling experiences from a rather uneventful life.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Well, we all knew what was going to happen. I am now sick. Not terribly sick in the debilitated, delusional kind of way. I am sick in the feeling-like-crap-but-still-able-to-function kind of way. My whole body aches and I have a terrible cough, but am still able to get up to do laundry, albeit bitterly. This all comes at a very inopportune time as this week was to be the beginning of my spring cleaning and the week I was going to lay out all of the borders for my vegetable garden. I just want to lie on the couch and drink tea. Sadly, Nicholas doesn't understand that illness is supposed to slow you down so he wants me up and playing with him even though he probably feels terrible as well. It is sad to think that I have a great deal less fortitude than my toddler. Good news is that Jon is beginning on the upward slope to wellness after a short four days. Only three more to go.

We did go to Mark and Maria's last night for our New Year's Eve celebration. We drove to San Antonio and got there about 6:30. Drinking did not begin until about 8:30 as we are all settled family people who are used to being asleep at 11 without alcohol. Movies and revelry ensued and it was quite a bit of fun. Nicholas and Fiona played well together, seemingly ignoring each other most of the time. Nicholas wanted to flip over on the couches and in Fiona's crib. He was such a monkey. I'll have to upload pictures of his suave self as soon as they become available. Joe got 'The House of Yes' on DVD as his Christmas gift and we are excitedly looking forward to watching it again. It has some of the funniest lines I have ever heard in a movie. Not for everyone, but we like it.

I wanted to include my New Year's resolutions in this entry. They aren't well thought out at this point, but I figure that if I don't do them now, I'll keep putting them off until March. Here goes:
1. Develop more organized activities for Nicholas.
- We have been doing the same routine for some time now and I wanted to add more
stuff to interest him. I also want to take him out for more activities out of the house.
2. Learn to knit.
- I've wanted to be able to knit for a while and actually went to the local knitting supply
store and got a book recommendation and a list of classes. I just have to do it.
3. Become a more educated consumer.
- I boycott Wal-Mart because I don't believe in a lot of their practices and I know that
there are many companies out there that I wouldn't shop at if I knew their dirty little
secrets. I just need to spend more time learning about where my money goes. I also
want to try to support local businesses more.
4. Take better care of my health.
- Since Nico came along I have been playing second fiddle in the personal care
department. I just want to make sure that I am drinking enough water, that I eat well
food regularly, and start back with a little bit of my "pretty myself" routine. It will make
me feel better.
5. Spend more time working on the house.
- We are in here for the long haul apparently. I can finally start to settle in.
6. Get some of Nicholas' baby book done.
- He is almost two after all and I haven't even done the page for his baby shower.

In the news today, a sign that people may start to recognize that herbal supplements are medications and should be taken as medications, not some harmless food source. I have mixed emotions about the FDA banning ephedra, but I do understand the reason they are doing it. To be honest, I am surprised that they haven’t done it sooner with rampant abuse on both the sides of the consumer and the manufacturers of products that contain ephedra. Not that I am too fond of the government telling me that I am not supposed to consume a plant that has a lot of medicinal benefits if used properly.

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